Financial Security, Living Benefits, Emergency Funds, Retirement Planning

We offer full financial planning product shelf to our clients throughout different stages and situations of their lives. From Financial Security, Living Benefits, Emergency Funds, to Retirement planning, these are the 4 major cornerstones of financial planning.

Services include

  • Life Insurance (Term and Permanent)

  • Living Benefit (Disability and Critical Illness)

  • Mutual Funds

  • Segregated Funds

  • GICs

  • Mortgage referrals

  • Group Benefits Plan

  • Group Retirement Plan

  • Travel Insurance including emergency medical

  • Individual health plan

  • Certain banking products through National Bank such as RRSP Loans, Personal Line of Credits

  • Investment accounts both registered plan, non-registered plan, annuity, education savings

Need help with financial goal setting? We’ve got you covered.

Insurance products, including segregated fund policies, are offered through Beam Financial Management Inc., and Investment Representative Millie Tang offers mutual funds and referral arrangements through Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. Important information about mutual funds is found in the Fund Facts document. Please read this carefully before investing. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Unit values and investment returns will fluctuate. Quadrus, Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. and design are trademarks of Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. Used with permission.